Why conflict can actually be a good thing

KaMeek Lucas Taitt
The Fourth Chapter
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2021


It took me a long time to realize this, but in all facets of life, it’s really important to be on the same page, especially with people you’re either working with or the person to whom you’re intimately involved. When you think you and that person might be seeing things differently, it’s critical to address the matter and make sure everyone’s visions are aligned towards the common goal.

Case in point, a few years ago my producing partner (at the time) and I were working on a project (I directed) and the production went really well. What we didn’t acknowledge was there were small differences of opinion about the project that each of us dusted under the rug, and it was only during post production that we came to the realization that our creative choices weren’t alined.

The project sadly suffered because of our creative differences and ended up not living up to its potential.

Back then, I looked at conflict as something to avoid at all cost, which wasn’t the right move. The major lesson I continue to learn daily, is that it’s important to address any differences of opinion head on and clear the air. Disagreements can spark interesting conversations, which can also lead to new ideas, and ultimately lead to a relationship built on trust and respect.

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I’m a Producer / Director, and a NYC to LA transplant. Every week I share my journey exploring life’s meaning, and productivity, as I navigate my film career.