Saving Money with Public Transportation in Los Angeles

KaMeek Lucas Taitt
The Fourth Chapter
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2021


Before I moved to Los Angeles, EVERYONE told me how terrible the train system was and that I would NEED a car. Due to the circumstances of my arrival, a car wasn’t an option I could entertain at the time. I lived in the Hollywood Blvd area where everything was close to me, so a car wasn’t something I was particularly missing.

Being a New Yorker, I don’t mind taking the bus and the train because that’s our way of life. I will say that I was shocked when I asked a stranger if she knew where the nearest train was and she told me…

“We have trains in Los Angeles?”

That’s when I realized this might be a weird city!

When I got my 9–5 job, it would take me nearly an hour to get to work via the bus and train but I was always on time and never missed a day. People at the office made fun of me for taking public transportation and told me dating in LA would be impossible without a car. I ignored everyone's comments and knew what my end goal was. The surplus income that I was saving and investing by keeping my expenses considerably low gave me the opportunity to build up my nest egg, and finance a short film that I’m really proud of.

I’m not going to lie to you, their comments bothered me for quite awhile, but I realized that we all walk our own paths. If I bought a car, it would be in cash, but either way, the expense of having a car vs riding public transportation using my monthly pass didn’t seem worth it.

If you have a vision for your life and how you want it to work, just like with the films that we make, stick to your vision. There will always be people who cast doubt over your plans in all areas of life, but be confident in yourself.

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I’m a Producer / Director, and a NYC to LA transplant. Every week I share my journey exploring life’s meaning, and productivity, as I navigate my film career.